CJB Ventures is dedicated to a proactive health & safety system to ensure the protection of the people we work with around, the general public, equipment we work with or around, property that we work on or near and the environment. No activity is more important than the safety and protection of those mentioned. In no way will CJB Ventures accept that safety and health is compromised to maintain a schedule or to satisfy personal desires.
CJB Ventures has active and good standing WCB accounts in the following Provinces:
British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and the NWT.
CJB Ventures has memberships with the following Contractor Management Systems
Complyworks, PICS Auditing, and ISNetworld
CJB Ventures has maintained a Certificate of Recognition from the Alberta Association for Safety Partnerships.
CJB Ventures uses Complyworks to ensure that our subcontractors are meeting the prequalification requirements as indicated by our company’s compliance matrix.